The Computer Engineering Department visits Al Ain Social Welfare Foundation/Karrada Branch

Department of Architecture at the University of Baghdad Organizes the Second Part of the Unified Examination with Private Universities

The Department of Architecture Organizes an Extracurricular Activity on Landscape Design

University of Baghdad’s Aeronautical Engineering Students Visit Central Bank Building

Petroleum Engineering Student Mohammed Saad Shaaban Secures Third Place in the Quranic Competition at the University of Baghdad

 College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad Hosts Workshop on Utilizing the Potential of Sponsored Students

Women’s Affairs Unit at Baghdad Engineering Organizes a Discussion on Women’s Health and Its Physical and Psychological Impact

University of Baghdad Hosts Online Seminar on Quantum Computing and Its Future Applications

University of Baghdad Holds Seminar on Selecting Proper Scopus Journals According to Iraqi Criteria

University of Baghdad Honors Top Architecture Students for Outstanding Academic Achievement

Participation in Scientific Defense Committees

       Visit of the Head of the Architecture Department at the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate to the Architecture Department at the University of Baghdad

Prof. Dr. Shahlaa Esmail Ebrahim and PhD Student Noor Alhuda Alaaldeen Jasim Secure a Patent for Advanced Nanocomposite Research

University of Baghdad Achieves Global Recognition: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Ranked in QS World Rankings

Mechanical Engineering Department Hosts Lecture on Memory Utilization and Overcoming Forgetfulness

Department of Surveying Engineering at the University of Baghdad Organizes a Scientific Field Trip to Baghdad International Airport for First-Year Students

Celebration of the Chemical Engineering Department for International Women’s Day

Field Scientific Visit to Buruj Residential Complex Project

College of Engineering Team Excels in the University of Baghdad Women’s Basketball Championship

Structural Innovations for Architectural Tower Challenges

Department of Chemical Engineering Organizes Scientific Visit to Al-Doura Refinery

Professor Dr. Meytham Mutashar Sharqi’s Participation in a master’s Thesis Defense at the College of Science, Remote Sensing and GIS Department, University of Baghdad

College of Engineering Concludes Advanced BIM Training Course on Revit and Robot

Engineering College Students Conduct a Scientific Visit to Baghdad International Airport

University of Baghdad’s Architecture Department Participates in International Scientific Conference

Master’s Thesis Defense at the Technical Engineering College – Baghdad

The Department of Water Resources Engineering Organises a Workshop on the Challenges Faced by University Students in Adapting to Online Learning

Faculty Member from the Water Resources Department Chairs a Meeting on Developing Smart Digital Solutions for Water Management in Iraq

Faculty Member from Baghdad Engineering College Participates in the 8th International Conference with Research on Smart Leadership in Refereeing Performance

Baghdad University Engineering College Discusses the Impact of the Artistic Dimension in Achieving Urban Landscape Identity

Department of Water Resources Engineering Organizes Workshop to Develop Teamwork Skills Among Students

Cisco Unit at Baghdad Engineering College Concludes WAN & LAN Training Course

A Researcher from Baghdad University Wins First Place with Two Studies on Sustainability and Thermal Energy

Engineering College at Baghdad University Hosts Awareness Workshop on Drug Addiction Prevention

Meeting of the Industrial Advisory Council of the Industrial Research and Development Authority with the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Baghdad

Preparatory Presentations for Graduation Projects in the Chemical Engineering Department

Environmental Engineering Department held a workshop on the “Obesity and hormones: risks and prevention”

Participation of Professor Dr. Meytham Mutasher Sharqi, Head of the Department of Surveying Engineering, in a master’s Thesis Defense Committee at the Technical Engineering College – Baghdad

The Department of Environmental Engineering held a workshop on plagiarism and paraphrasing

A Faculty Member from the Water Resources Department Participates in the “Science and Technology in Islamic Civilization” Workshop

Scientific Visit for Second and Third Year Students in the Aeronautical Engineering Department to the Scientific Research Authority – Space Research and Technology Center

The first Discussion of Graduation Projects for the Fourth Year Stage Students of the Department of Computer Engineering.

Best Research Award for a Second-Year Student in the Department of Electrical Engineering

Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Engineering Participates in Cooking Festival

Two Awards are Won by a Lecturer in the Environmental Engineering Department in the Campus Environmental Sustainability Competition

Conducting the First Session of the “Joint Examination” in the Surveying Engineering Department

University of Baghdad’s Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering Organizes Joint Exam

College of Engineering, University of Baghdad Holds a Workshop Entitled,Latex: Essential Skills for Academic Writing

Launch of the First Semester Exams for First-Year Students in the Department of Chemical Engineering

University of Baghdad’s Architectural Engineering Department Organizes “Joint Exam” with Corresponding Private Universities

Joint Examination Held in the Petroleum Engineering Department to Enhance Academic Rigor and Cooperation

Architectural Engineering Students on a Field Visit to the Al-Mustansiriya School