Dean of the College of Engineering’s speech
Prof. Dr. Ghassan H. Abdul-Majeed
Allah Almighty said, “Read in the name of your Lord who created (1) created man from a clinging substance (2) Read, and your Lord is the most generous (3) who taught by the pen (4) taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran 96:1-5)
And He also said, “And say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge.'”
The College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad is a shining symbol in the journey of knowledge and scientists. Over the course of nine decades, it has proven to be an academic cornerstone, referenced by many and playing a role in establishing numerous engineering colleges, providing them with graduates, as well as highly educated teachers and consultants.
The College of Engineering has drawn, over its long years of giving since its establishment in 1921, the features of the devoted, creative Iraqi engineer who plays a prominent role in the field of specialization, in building institutions, and in serving the country.
Furthermore, it has followed advanced scientific plans in its educational curricula, scientific methods, and educational approach towards our dear students who represent the future and bring goodness and contribution to our beloved nation.
The College of Engineering has focused on quality performance in its postgraduate studies, originality in addressing cognitive problems, and arriving at innovative creative solutions that contribute to science and knowledge, as well as solving real-life problems.
The libraries have boasted hundreds of messages and theses, and the academic atmosphere has boasted dozens of achievements and patents through scientific conferences and seminars. To serve society in accordance with the objectives of higher education, the College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad has played a prominent and distinguished role in engineering consultations, as its distinguished staff has contributed to many engineering projects. Scientific research has received special attention and priority in the college’s curriculum to enrich the scientific development movement, raise the intellectual and practical level, keep pace with global technological developments, and proudly stand with other global universities for the distinction and creativity of the Iraqi mind, through dozens of outstanding research papers published in the most prestigious international journals and participation in international scientific forums.
The College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad has focused on the student who is considered the cornerstone for building the country, and considered him/her as a goal to elevate education and the engineer to enrich academic and scientific life with distinction and creativity, through educational dealings and following the most advanced scientific methods, and focusing on qualitative quality determinants and university performance standards to maintain the scientific level and enhance the indicators and capabilities of the graduate to be an effective tool in building and reconstructing the country.
The College of Engineering has distinguished itself with a healthy atmosphere through its geographical location, the advantages of the university campus, the design of its buildings, spaces, and gardens, as well as the social atmosphere among its members, faculty, the spirit of affection, love, cooperation, and educational dealings with our students who are the rising peaks in the tree of knowledge, giving and progress. They are the hope, and they are the ones who will continue the relentless steps towards building the country and reconstructing it, alongside their brothers in arms on the fronts of glory and dignity, and they are the ones who stand up against the attacks of ignorance, darkness, and terrorism, supporting justice, restoring the dignity of the land, and preserving its sanctities. For with knowledge, we fight the forces of ignorance and darkness, just as the gun fights the forces of terrorism to bring a smile back to the faces of Iraqis, to rebuild our country to always and forever be a landmark for knowledge, culture, and civilization.
Allah says in the Quran, “Do [as you will], for Allāh will see your deeds, and [so will] His Messenger and the believers” (Quran, 20:114)