Aeronautical Engineering

Department of Aeronautical Engineering was established in the year 2017 for five-year undergraduate program with total student intake of 26. A range of complementary elective courses also exists in the schemes. The students are rigorously trained and evaluated on a continuous basis in order to transform them into world class Aeronautical Engineering. The academic program schemes have also been designed in tune with the requirements of the industry. The Department has well equipped laboratories to compliment the theoretical courses taught at graduate and post graduate level and to handle research in areas of Aeronautical science.

Vision of the Department

The Aeronautical Engineering Department AED endeavors to be a scientific and research center of excellence that leads the process of innovation in the field of aeronautical engineering and its applications, and achieves the quality of engineering education in its field of specialization.

Mission of the Department

M1– Graduation of engineering cadres with a leading integrated personality and professional skills and ethics that meet the needs of the civil and military institutions related to the field of specialization.

M2– Conduct research and studies, transfer knowledge and localize technology in order to serve and develop society.

M3– Provide the scientific environment that helps the attainment of creativity and innovation and care of the outstanding and talented students and invest their energies, and enhance the skills of continuous learning, and provide the community with professional services in the framework of specialization.

M4– To provide educational, academic and professional guidance, and to consolidate the national identity and spirit of belonging and loyalty to the country.

  • Statement of PEOs

The program educational objectives of Aeronautical Engineering are:

PEO 1– Providing students with basic knowledge in scientific and engineering fields, improving their professional abilities towards analytical and creative thinking, developing their potential in practical experience, experimental methods, using computer techniques, writing technical reports, communication skills, and communication with others and instilling the spirit of work through one team.

PEO 2– Continuous and renewable development of curricula according to international standards to ensure quality and keep pace with rapid and successive changes in all fields, and achieve the principle of sustainability and preservation of the environment.

PEO 3– Graduate well qualified engineers to implement the development and reconstruction plans of the country.

PEO 4– Graduation of engineers with the ability to use modern engineering tools to optimize the analysis and design of different systems in aeronautical engineering.

PEO 5– Graduation of engineering cadres capable of achieving success in the work environment using personal skills that include team work, communication skills, continuous learning, positive interaction with society, and commitment to social and ethics responsibilities, belonging and loyalty to the country.

PEO 6– Focusing on systematic scientific research and its primary role in serving the society and solving its problems and encouraging faculty members and students to take this aspect into account while directing and supporting the possibilities and providing the necessary requirements to achieve this.

PEO 7– Cooperation and exchange of experiences with universities, research centers and similar engineering education institutions inside and outside the country through partnership agreements for this purpose.

PEO 8– Develop and improve the capabilities of the teaching staff and attract the good faculty staff to the department.

PEO 9– Develop and improve the capabilities of administrative and technical staff and attract the good staff to the department.


Distribution of undergraduate students by academic level

The distribution of male and female undergraduate students


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Under the patronage of the dean of the College of Engineering and the supervision of the head of the Department … المزيد

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Panel Discussion on Introduction to Creating a Record in Excel

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