The Department of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Baghdad’s College of Engineering organized a workshop titled “Drilling Problems Analysis,” which was presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Amal Habeeb Assi Al-Lami, a faculty member in the department. The workshop took place on Sunday, February 2, 2025, in the department’s discussion hall, with the attendance of several faculty members and students.

The workshop focused on methods for addressing challenges faced during drilling operations. The petroleum industry, one of the most vital sectors globally, has seen significant advancements over time. Drilling engineering plays a crucial role throughout the well’s lifecycle, serving as the only means to access the reservoir formation. The quality of the drilled well has a substantial impact on the subsequent stages of its lifespan.

At the conclusion of the workshop, the speaker emphasized that the key to achieving success efficiently is through a well-structured drilling program, which anticipates potential drilling problems rather than solely relying on precautionary or containment measures. Given the high costs associated with drilling problems, the design of oil and gas wells demands meticulous study and careful consideration.

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