The College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad witnessed the public defense of the master’s thesis by Mustafa Mahmood Hashim, a student in the Petroleum Engineering Department. His thesis is titled:


“Determination of Flow Units by Using Integrated Petrophysical Properties for Sadi Formation in Halfaya oil Field,” supervised by the esteemed Asst. Prof. Dr. Ghanim M. Farman.


The defense took place on Thursday, August 15, 2024, in the Graduate Studies Hall of the Petroleum Engineering Department. The examination committee was composed of the following distinguished professors:



By the student Mustafa Mahmood Hashim and supervised by Professor Dr. Ahmed A. Najaf and Asst. Prof. Dr. Ghanim M. Farman. The examination committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Falih H. Mohammed as Chairman and the membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Usama S. Alameedy and Dr. Dheiaa K. Alfarge. The thesis was summarized as follows:


The Sadi Formation contains a promising reservoir with three oil-bearing zones, labeled B1, B2, and B3, averaging a thickness of 75 meters.

The study is divided into three main parts: assessing petrophysical properties, estimating permeability, and identifying flow units using data from five wells. Petrophysical property assessments were conducted using tech-log software, involving calculations like environmental corrections, lithology identification, porosity measurements, and determination of Archie parameters through pickett plots to estimate water saturation using the Archie equation, as well as determining cut-offs and net-to-gross ratios. Permeability in un-cored wells was predicted using an artificial neural network approach, which provided the best match compared to other methods. The results from these assessments, along with core data, were used to determine flow units within the Sadi Formation using various methods.

Log interpretations revealed that the formation is primarily composed of limestone with minimal shale content. The effective porosity, based on density log data, showed the most accurate correlation with core porosity, achieving a correlation coefficient of 87%. The average porosities were 15% for B1, 18% for B2, and 16% for B3. The water saturation for zones A1 and A2 was found to be 100%, while the oil-bearing zone B had an average water saturation of 26%. The permeability of the Sadi Formation ranges from 0.01 to 13 millidarcies. Eight distinct oil-bearing sub-units were identified, including three flow sub-units in B1, three in B2, and two in B3. A shaly limestone unit (A2) separates the water-bearing zone (A1) from the oil-bearing zone (B) within the Sadi Formation.

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