Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan, Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department at the University of Baghdad, visited the Department of Electrical Engineering on Monday, May 20, 2024.

This visit came to congratulate the department’s headship and faculty members on achieving advanced positions in the QS global classification.

Dr. Omar Faleh expressed his great appreciation for the efforts made by the department, and handed over the certificate of obtaining the advanced classification in QS International to the Department of Electrical Engineering, which is considered the only department in the electrical engineering specialty within the QS classification in Iraq, and one of only five departments at the University of Baghdad that achieved this feat.

For his part, the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Professor Dr. Firas Mohammad Tuaimah, expressed the department’s continuous endeavor to achieve greater progress in international classifications in the coming years, stressing that the department’s scientific capabilities qualify it to compete with international universities in the near future.







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