The respected President of the University granted three letters of thanks and appreciation to three lecturers in the Department of Chemical Engineering in appreciation of their scientific efforts in publishing their research in international journals and citing their research more than five times. Where the first letter of thanks was granted to the Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Faiq Al-Alawy, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Intisar Aliwi from the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-Haytham and master’s student Raya Mohammed Kadhim for their research published in the Journal of the College of Engineering and tagged” Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Co-Precipitation Method at Different Conditions” which has been cited more than five times. The second letter of thanks and appreciation was awarded to the Prof. Dr. Ibtehal Kareem Shakir, in appreciation for publishing her research titled “Carbon Dioxide Capturing via a Randomly Packed Bed Scrubber Using Primary and Poly Amine Absorbents” in the Journal of Ecological Engineering, which is indexed within Scopus and Clarivate and has a Sitscore of 2.6 and an impact factor of 1.3. Finally, Prof. Dr. Mahmood K. Hummadi, a lecturer in the department, received the third letter of thanks and appreciation for publishing his research entitled titled “Verification of Dead Zones Generated in Bioreactors as a Proactive Stage in Bioreactor Design” also in the Journal of Ecological Engineering. We wish our dear professors continued success in their professional and academic careers. To view the full research, follow the links below:



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