As part of the scientific activities of the College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad, the Department of Electrical Engineering, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit in the College of Engineering, held a two day workshop for higher studies students in the College of Engineering on Wednesday and Thursday, 27th and 28th Dec. 2023. The title of the lecture on the first day of the workshop was “Effective Scientific Research Methods” and the second was entitled “Mastering Publishing Articles in the Best Journals”, delivered by the Assistant Lecturer, Mahmoud Sawadi, and Lecturer, Jaafar Ahmed Abdel-Sahib. The workshop included a presentation of the most important publishing houses and reliable international scientific journals, an explanation of the steps taken to ensure the integrity of scientific journals, and how to avoid making mistakes by publishing in fake journals and websites or those that do not comply with scientific requirements.


On the first day, the lecture reviewed the international scientific journals, the impact factor, the Hirsch coefficient (H Index), the Scimago Journal Rank, the Scientific Information Institute (ISI), and the Iraqi journals that entered the global ranking (SCOPUS). The lecturers touched on the mechanism for identifying the integrity of journals and whether they are among the approved databases (Scopus and Clarivate) or within the list of local journals approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq and following up on periodic updates of journals taken out of Scopus.


On the second day, the lecturers reviewed the common mistakes in the method of writing scientific research for higher studies students and faculty researchers, and ways to overcome those scientific errors that reduce the integrity of scientific research. The lecture discussed methods for formulating research, the correct methodology and the necessary steps for writing it, choosing the scientific journal that suits the precise specialization of the researcher, the method of subscribing to reputable journals, the procedures and steps followed to register, publish and follow up research, and calculating the global impact factor and its importance for the faculty member and the university.

At the conclusion of the workshop, the recommendation was made on the importance of directing higher studies students to publish their research in reputable journals with international classification, and the necessity of verifying the integrity of the journal before publishing in it, and choosing journals with international reputation and standing.


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