As part of a series of educational lectures for first-year students that the Department of Chemical Engineering intends to hold about the Bologna Process and its instructions, the department held the first lecture, which was entitled “The Student’s Duties According to the Bologna Process,” on 12/12/2023 and was delivered by Dr. Ali Ibrahim Al-Mosawi, one of the department’s academic staf, in the presence of the honorable department head, Prof.Dr. Ahmed Faiq Al-Alawy and a number of department staff, where this lecture discussed the types of assessments in the Bologna track, the student’s duties in registering for each semester, his duties in each semester, in addition to the student’s duties in attending lessons, and finally what is necessary for the student to fulfill in order to successfully graduate from the department. The lecture witnessed great interest from the students by asking them questions about these duties and the extent to which they can implement them, given that this system is being applied for the first time in Iraq. In addition, the head of the department, based on his long experience in teaching and administration, directed the students to a number of important matters that they must adhere to during their academic journey and that guarantee their success in them.

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