As part of a series of activities of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit / College of Engineering, Assistant Professor Heba Moayed Muhammad, Director of the Psychological Counseling Unit in cooperation with continuing education in our college, and Assistant Professor Dr. Tahani Talib Abdel Hussein from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, presented a lecture within a workshop named as (Sex and Gender. …identity) in the Department of Computer Engineering on Tuesday 12/12/2023 at 10:30 AM in the presence of a number of students and faculty members of the department. The workshop aimed to introduce the concept of gender and reveal the processes of promoting this concept, in addition to clarifying other concepts intertwined with this concept. It also included forms of the negative effects of gender, which aim to weaken the role of the Iraqi family, which is the foundation of society, and then the collapse of society’s values and cultural, moral, and religious customs and traditions. Accordingly, the workshop concluded with a set of recommendations, including the need to differentiate between the concept of gender and the rest of the concepts intertwined with it, understand what is related to gender theory, prevent attempts at promotion and also intensify efforts to educate our students and make them aware that they are the builders of the future.

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