Professor Dr. Ayad Abdulhamza Faisal the head of Environmental Engineering Department held on Monday 2/10/2023, in the discussion hall in the department the general faculty committee meeting.  A number of issues were discussed, including welcoming the professors on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year, the Head of the Department thanked the examination committee and the ladies and gentlemen of the faculty members for completing the second-round exams with success and dedication, the department’s orders regarding assignments related to the various committees and the distribution of study materials among the faculty members were also addressed, the professors in charge of the first stage subjects, which fall within the Bologna track, were stressed to adhere to all instructions in force from the Ministry. The head of the department also stressed the activation of the work of the scientific laboratories in the department and the maintenance of the equipment by the students of undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The Head of the Department referred to the support provided by the respected Dean of the College of Engineering in providing additional study halls in cooperation with other scientific departments. A number of other topics related to the department were discussed.


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