
Muhammad – noblest of the Arabs and the non-Arabs
Muhammad – best of all those who walk upon two feet

With these verses and with the prayers raised and greetings upon the Prophet and his family, the Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Faiq Al-Alawy, opened the celebration held by the department on the occasion of the birth of humanity’s teacher and messenger, the Chosen One, and the greatest of creation, Mohammad bin Abdullah (PBUH), on Monday 10/2/2023. With his worldly birth, she rejoiced. After that, Mr. Hassanein Abbas Hassan gave a speech in which he mentioned the characteristics and virtues of the Messenger and the mercy and goodness that he sent down to the worlds with this honorable birth. Members of the department from various sects, religions, and sects participated in this celebration, and how could they not do that, and he is the one who said God Almighty “And We have not sent you, except as a mercy to the worlds”.

Media Committee

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