The Department of Chemical Engineering has drawn for itself an approach and path to follow in order tencourage and motivate its students to excellence and creativity based on honoring and celebrating them, not only in the performance of academic curricula, but in other activities such as scientific, cultural and sports competitions, in order to advance their abilities that reflect positively on their academic achievement. Today, based on this approach, the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Prof. Ahmed Faiq Al-Alawy, honored the winning students of the mathematics competition that took place between the Colleges of Engineering and Al-Khwarizmi Engineering / University of Baghdad and the College of Engineering / Al-Nahrain University. The Head of the Department granted certificates of appreciation and encouraging gifts to the student Tabarak Faleh from the first stage and the student Mustafa Samir from the second stage in appreciation and appreciation of their distinguished scientific effort, which resulted in winning the first and third places in this competition.





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