Seminars are considered one of the most important methods of learning at all academic levels because they give the student the opportunity to prepare the lecture that he will deliver and read enough to be able to answer the questions that will be asked of him, and the most important thing is to prepare himself to deliver in front of the audience, which will qualify him in the future to participate in scientific conferences and seminars. Therefore, and in the interest of the Department of Chemical Engineering to ensure that the student has the best intellectual ability and scientific efficiency, the department has been holding periodic seminars for its students to raise their scientific level. The month of May witnessed a group of seminars for the end of the current academic year 2022/2023. Where a seminar on fluid flow was held for students of the second stage under the supervision of Assist.Prof. Dr. Rasha Habib on 4/5/2023, followed by a seminar on organic chemistry on 8/5/2023, which was held for students of the first stage and under the supervision of Assist.Prof. Dr. Rana Thabet. Finally, the department held a seminar on industrial units for students of the fourth stage, under the supervision of Assist.Prof. Dr. Atheer Mohammed, on 14/5/2023. Through these seminars, a quick review of the above-mentioned subjects was conducted, as each group of students prepared and gave a lecture on a specific topic, and through these events, it was ensured that the students’ comprehension of the subjects and their readiness to perform the final exams was ensured, and to identify the most important information that needed to be clarified to be fully understood by students.

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