Since the beginning of creation, the opportunity to obtain a suitable job has been a preoccupation of man, and in our time, the degree alone is no longer the main and decisive factor in obtaining a job opportunity for graduates, but also the experience gained before graduation, especially for industrial companies and private sector companies. Experience in general comes in two ways: the first is cumulative, which comes through long years of work, which is not available to graduates, and the second is immediate through intensive courses and workshops that he enters before and after graduation. From this standpoint, and in order to improve the chances of competition for graduates of the Chemical Engineering Department in the labor market, the Department of Chemical Engineering held on Monday, 15th of May 2023, in the hall of Prof. Mahmoud Omar, in cooperation with the Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Unit in the College of Engineering and with the participation of the Iraqi Corrosion Center of the Industrial Research and Development Authority, a workshop for developing the skills of automatic analysis for chemical engineers. Dr. Ammar Salih Abbas, one of the professors of the department, and senior chief engineer Mrs. Faten Hameed Kamel from the Iraqi Corrosion Center The topics of the training workshop focused on examination methods such as FTIR and XRD, which the graduate can learn in a short time and gain the appropriate experience in, which qualifies him to obtain a job that requires experience in examination by these methods. At the end of the workshop, he invited the lecturers to continue holding such workshops, not only in the Chemical Engineering Department but also in the rest of the engineering departments. The workshop was attended by a large number of attendees, including professors and students, headed by the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Faiq Al-Alawy.

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