
By the supporting of the Dean of the College of Engineering, and for the purpose of acquainting of the first class students to the history of the University of Baghdad and its scientific and cultural evidences, the scientific visit was done to the university museum on Tuesday 4-4-2023. The museum is truly representing the historical memory of the University of Baghdad, which is full of scientific and civilizational achievements, as the museum official explained to the students after he welcomed the students, the great history of the university as explaining by pictures that focus on the historical stages of the University of Baghdad.

  • For more acquainted with the university other facilities, the first class students visited the Central Library in Al-Jadriya on the same date, Tuesday 4-4-2023. The students were accompanied on this visit by a number of faculty of the department, as they were welcomed by the lady in charge of the Continuing Education in the library. A brief overview of the units and divisions of the central library that works to provide scientific facilities to students was given; in borrowing books, how to search references automatically, the other services provided by the library, and the students have briefed on how indexing the references in the library.

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