The public discussion of the master’s student (Nadeen Adnan Shaaban) from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on her thesis entitled (A multiport Microwave Planar Reflectometer for Non- Destructive Testing Applications) was held on Thursday 12/9/2024 in the discussion hall in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Communications.

The discussion committee consisted of the following respected members:

  1. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Nadhim Abbas (Chairman)
  2. Prof. Dr. Dhurgham Kamal Naji (Member)
  3. Lecturer. Dr. Murtadha Jawad Kadhim (Member)
  4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ghassan Nihad Jawad (Supervisor)

The thesis aimed to design and implement a six-port reflectometer to be used to non-destructively inspect dielectric materials for fabrication defects after connecting it to a broadband antenna. This circuit is intended to replace the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) equipment for microwave non-destructive testing applications.

Accordingly, the thesis came out with a set of recommendations, including:

  1. It is possible to use a six-port reflectometer to find the vector reflection coefficient over a relatively wide frequency band.
  2. A broadband highly-directive antenna can be used in conjunction to the reflectometer in order to radiate the microwave signals into the sample under test and receive the reflections from its internal discontinuities.
  3. The defects in the sample are to be identified after analyzing the vector reflection coefficient over the frequency range of interest to find the time-of-arrival for the reflection coming from each internal discontinuity.

After the scientific discussion by the members of the discussion committee, the researcher received a rating of (Very Good)

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