The Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ghassan Hamid Abdul-Majid, chaired the public defense of the master’s thesis of student Mohammed Qasim Abdul-Talib from the Department of Petroleum Engineering. The thesis is titled “Application of Advanced Machine Learning and Optimal Algorithms in the Naft Omar Reservoir / Abu Amoud Field,” and it took place on Sunday, July 21, 2024, in the Graduate Studies Hall of the Petroleum Engineering Department, under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Jawad.

The thesis aimed to achieve significant improvements in oil extraction processes by developing a reservoir model for the Naft Omar formation in the Abu Amoud field, using it as a case study to estimate the original oil in place. It also explored the use of intelligent agent models based on machine learning and optimization algorithms to find the optimal solution for the process of injecting carbon dioxide miscible with oil, enhancing production efficiency. Additionally, a new method for generating data using sequential data was proposed to accelerate the reservoir modeling process.

The results showed that the application of carbon dioxide injection increased the oil recovery rate by 3%, reduced water cut by 6%, and increased the oil production rate by approximately 2,000 barrels per day.

Following the results obtained, the study recommended enhancing the use of intelligent agent models based on deep learning to improve their accuracy and efficiency in handling sequential data, and applying advanced optimization algorithms such as NSGA II, which have proven superior in determining optimal operational parameters. It also calls for continued research and development in carbon dioxide injection technologies and expanding the use of sequential data to reduce the time required for data generation and improve reservoir model accuracy.

After the scientific discussion by the committee members and listening to the researcher’s defense and evaluation of the thesis, the researcher was awarded a Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering.

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