Within the scientific activities of the Electrical Engineering Department / College of Engineering / University of Baghdad, Dr. Ismail Shanan Desher, a faculty member in the department, presented a seminar under the title “Optical Semiconductors” on Wednesday 14th Dec., 2022.
Dr. Ismail said that optical semiconductors have widespread applications in optical communications, optical data storage, metrology, spectroscopy, materials processing, pumping other lasers, lighting devices and medical treatments.
The lecturer mentioned that optical semiconductors differ from electronic semiconductors through their structure, materials, and energy gap. He also stated that Si (Silicon) is the fundamental material in electronics while GaAs (Gallium arsenide) is the typical material in optoelectronics.
The seminar was attended by a number of faculty members in the department. They interacted with the lecturer by enriching the seminar with questions and inquiries, which were answered by Dr. Ismail Shanan Desher.


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