An international workshop has conducted at the College of Engineering on Sunday, November 27, 2022, entitle “Renewable Energies and Smart Cities in Sustainable Development”. The workshop was included in the activities of the Fourth International Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Smart Cities, sponsored by the National Security Consultancy. The workshop has been organized to be two sessions attended by the President of the University of Baghdad representative Professor Dr. Wadud Taher, and the Scientific and Technological counselor for the National Security Consultancy Dr. Zaid Farhoud, where they were received by the College of Engineering Dean Professor Dr. Saba Jabbar Nima Al-Khafaji.

The workshop events were launched after the speeches of the guests who praised the efforts of the College of Engineering and the National Security Consultancy. The workshop events comprised in-person lectures for professors and researchers. In addition to online lectures for researchers who have participated from different countries (Saudi Arabia and Argentina).

The fulfilling discussions and questions have been presented during the workshop sessions by the professors, teachers, and audiences. Finally, the participants and supporting committees have been rewarded with certificates of appreciation.


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