“Petrophysical Significance in Analyzing Iraq’s Siba Field”


The seminar was delivered by Engineer and Lecturer at Al-Farabi University, Zainab Abdul Karim, in the Discussion Hall of the Petroleum Engineering Department, on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at eleven o’clock in the morning, in the presence of the esteemed Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Assoc. Prof. Ghanim Madih Furman, and Chapter Faculty Advisor, Assoc. Prof. Omar Falah, along with a group of undergraduate and master’s students.


The seminar included information about the Siba field and the importance of analyzing its petrophysical characteristics, with ample room for discussions and questions.


At the conclusion of the seminar, a certificate of appreciation was presented to acknowledge the valuable efforts and contributions made by the lecturer during the event.

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