Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Engineering (Prof. Dr. Ghassan Hamid Abdel Majeed), the College of Engineering held on Monday, February 19, 2024, and in cooperation with the College’s Continuing Education Unit, the scientific symposium entitled (Climate Change: Drought in Iraq and Ways of Treatment). This scientific symposium was held in the hall of Prof. Dr. Mahdi Hantoush.

This symposium; was attended by the Dean of the College of Engineering, as well as the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Post Graduate Studies (Prof. Dr. Dhia Jassim Kadhim), in addition to the Head of the Water Resources Engineering Department (Prof. Dr. Basim Sh. Abd). Number of faculty of the department and other departments have also attended, postgraduate students also attended this scientific symposium and preliminary studies students.

In this scientific symposium, presented; Important topics, where the  Prof. Dr. Haider Abdul-Amir Khudair gave a lecture on climate change and ways to address water scarcity, emphasizing the necessity of rationalizing consumption by citizens and preserving this water wealth. Prof. Dr. Faisal Ghazi also gave another lecture on climate change and ways to address water scarcity and the relationship between climate change and space. These lectures attracted the attention of the audience regarding climate changes in Iraq, the causes of drought, and scientific methods for addressing this phenomenon, which has become a worrying phenomenon and has an increasingly bad impact on the economic and living aspects of the Iraqi citizen.

At the end of this symposium, the Dean of College to the lecturers distributed the appreciated certificates

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