Dr. Hanan Michael Dawod , Chairperson of the Department of Electrical Engineering- the College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad, gave an electronic seminar entitled “Annual Evaluation Form for Faculty Members” in the department at 8:30 P.M. on Wednesday 20th April 2022.

During the seminar, Dr. Hanan talked about the technical and scientific mechanisms necessary to complete the annual performance form for faculty members. She explained the mechanisms of evaluation in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its effective instructions, in order to overcome the difficulties and obstacles which stand in the way of granting the faculty members the scientific benefits entailed by them due to the objective and practical commitment to those instructions.

The seminar was attended by a number of faculty members in the department. The attendees interacted with the lecturer by enriching the lecture with questions and inquiries which were answered with open arms by Hanan Michael Dawod.


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