The Department of Petroleum Engineering organized a symposium in which a group of third-year students gave presentations on various topics in English on Tuesday26, April, 2022. The symposium was attended by the Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Dr. Ghanem M. Farman, and a number of the department’s faculty members. The presentations included topics related to petroleum engineering as well as some scientific topics such as the theory of the big bang and the development of technology. The symposium also included presentations on health, psychological  and philosophical topics such as the theory of attraction, Down syndrome and how to get rid of fear. At the end of the symposium, the Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Dr. Ghanem M. Farman, presented the certificates of appreciation to the students participated in the symposium. Organizing this symposium comes in celebration to the International Day of the English Language, which is on Saturday 23rd of April, and also to encourage students to develop their skills using the English language and how to participate in presentations. On this occasion, the Department of Petroleum Engineering would like to thank all the students who participated in this symposium, wishing them every success.


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