“A delegation from the University of Baghdad, led by Professor Dr. Munir Hameed Al-Saadi, President of the University of Baghdad, visited the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation during a visit to France. The delegation met with representatives from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the presence of Professor Dr. Ghassan Hameed Abdul-Majeed, Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Raed Falih Hassan, Dean of the College of Science, and Professor Dr. Enas Khalifa Al-Sharqi, Director of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations at the University.

This visit aimed to explore avenues to enhance scientific and academic cooperation. Emphasis was placed on the importance of establishing genuine and strategic partnerships with esteemed French universities. Proposed action plans and a roadmap were drafted to reinforce collaboration in both academic and research fields. Special focus was directed towards fostering effective collaborative links with French universities ranked among the top 100 universities in the Shanghai Ranking and other international classifications.

Additionally, the delegation met with the ‘France Campus’ institution, the highest academic body operating under the French Ministries of Higher Education and Foreign Affairs. Discussions centered on bolstering the international dissemination of joint research, faculty exchange programs, and developing training plans for students at French universities, encompassing undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Moreover, agreements were reached to offer 60 fully-funded scholarships until 2026 by the French side to exceptional Iraqi students.

An invitation has been extended to the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation to participate in the Green Education Conference scheduled to be held in February 2024 at the University of Baghdad. Furthermore, French universities are encouraged to send students as part of the ‘Study in Iraq’ initiative.

This visit underscores the University’s commitment to enhancing international cooperation and strengthening ties with reputable global universities. These efforts significantly contribute to elevating the standards of education and scientific research, thereby serving our educational process and our beloved country, Iraq.”

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