Dr. Ismael Shanan Desher, a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering- the College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad, gave a seminar entitled “FTTH” in the department at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday 12th April, 2022.

Dr. Ismael said in the seminar he presented that FTTH (Fiber to the Home) is a form of fiber optic communication network where optical signal reaches the end user’s home. In this architecture, each fiber leaving the operator’s central office is actually shared by many customers. There are two optical distribution networks: Active optical network (AON) and Passive optical network (PON). An AON uses active, electrically powered devices to direct the appropriate signal only to the relevant customer. In contrast a PON uses optical splitters, which require no electrical power, to send the signal to each customer. PON networks adopt a Point-to-multipoint (P2MP) architecture which utilizes optical splitters to divide the downstream signal from a single OLT into multiple downstream paths to the end users; the same splitters combine the multiple upstream paths from the end users back to the OLT. A PON configuration with 1:32 splitters reduces the amount of fiber required. The main benefit of FTTH is increased network performance, specifically higher speeds over a long distance.

The seminar was attended by a number of faculty members in the department. The attendees interacted with the lecturer by enriching the lecture with questions and inquiries which were answered with open arms by Dr.Ismael Shanan Desher.


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