Within the scientific activities of the Department of Electrical Engineering, the department organized a seminar in the meeting room in the department on Tuesday 22nd of March 2022 for its Computer and Control Ph.D. student Dhurgham Razaq Mohsen and M.Sc. student Husam Hussein Hasan.

In this seminar, the Ph.D. student Dhurgham Razaq Mohsen presented his thesis project entitled “Modeling and Design of Routing Algorithm of Stochastic Networks” and the M.Sc. student Husam Hussein Hasan                            presented his thesis project entitled “Design and Evaluation of a Congestion Control Mechanism for IoT

The seminar was attended by a number of department faculty members and     the students were given advice and instructions which serve the scientific advance of their research to get to the required level in the College of Engineering in Baghdad University by the faculty who attended the seminar.


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