In cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity – Operation and Control Department, the Department of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad organized a scientific visit on Tuesday March 29th  2022 for the third-stage students to the  headquarters of the Operation and Control Department to see the progress of the operational process of the electrical system through the formations of this department that manages an important nerve in the work of the Iraqi electrical network system.

The students and professors were received by Dr. Muthanna Abdul Karim Hassan, Director of the Training and Development Department, who welcomed them on behalf of the Director General of the Operation and Control Department, Eng. Yahya Abbas Jaber, and the advanced staff in the department. The operation hall in the National Control Center, the Center Control Center, the communication halls, the network management system, and the SCADA supervisory control system were visited by the students and the professors accompanying them. In addition they also visited the laboratory of protection devices.

At the end of the visit, the professors who accompanied the students thanked the engineers of Operation and Control Department for managing and organizing the visit.


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