Under the patronage and support of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Saba Jabbar Nehmeh, in the presence and participation of the Assistant Dean for Administration and Financial Affairs, Asst. Prof. Karim Hassan Ali Abboud, and the support of the Agriculture Division at the College of Engineering, the gardens of the Petroleum Engineering Department witnessed a voluntary campaign to plant flowers and trees. The Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Dr. Ghanem Madih Farman and a number of faculty members and students of the department joined this campaign on Sunday, March 27, 2022. This campaign included planting different types of flowers and trees that suit the environment of the city of Baghdad. The Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Dr. Ghanem Madih Farman, emphasized that any tree planted may not be pricy, but its benefits to nature are priceless. As for the student Muhammad Al-Jawad Aqil Thamer, who is one of the third- year students participating in this campaign, mentioned that the goal of this campaign is to make the gardens of the Department of Petroleum Engineering more beautiful and to encourage students to plant more trees in order to create a clean environment. While his fellow student Ahmed Mithaq Ayed confirmed that planting trees provides oxygen and stores carbon. Fourth-year student Zakaria Makki Hani stressed the need to confront climate change with the support of people, especially students, to plant trees since trees hold the answer to the challenges the world face. This campaign comes on the occasion of the arrival of spring and the international Forest Day. The Assistant Dean for Administration and Financial Affairs, Asst. Prof. Karim Hassan Ali Aboud thanked the faculty members and students of the Department of Petroleum Engineering for this campaign . On this occasion, the Department of Petroleum Engineering extends its thanks and appreciation to the students and teachers in charge of this campaign , wishing them success.

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