Within the scientific activities of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Tariq Ziyad Ismail presented a seminar under the title “Speech Signal Processing” on Monday, 14th March, 2022 in the meeting room of the department.

Dr. Tariq Seminar started with an introduction to the sound and how the human voice is produced. He said that sound is wave vibrations transmitted through the air, reaching the ear which receives them as an audible sound, and that the amplitude, which represents the strength of the sound or its height, and the frequency, which represents the intensity of the sound, are the characteristics that give each sound its distinctive tone. Then he talked about processing audio signals electronically. Audio signals are longitudinal waves that travel in the air. The energy in audio signals is usually measured in decibels. The urge for audio signal processing began at the beginning of the twentieth century with inventions such as the telephone, phonograph, and radio that allowed the transmission and storage of audio signals. He also talked about treatment methods and areas of application.

The seminar was attended by Asst. Prof. Dr. Hanan Mikhail, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, and a number of faculty members of the department who interacted with the seminar by asking questions related to the subject, which Prof. Dr. Tariq generously answered.


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