The Department of Petroleum Engineering organized a field trip for the third- year students to the East Baghdad Oil Field / Rashidiya which is operated by Midland Oil Company, accompanied by Dr. Qahtan Adnan, on Thursday, March 24, 2022. The tript began with a lecture on safety and then personal protective equipment were distributed to the students. After that, they visited the production department, where they were given a detailed explanation on the oil and gas processing operations from the moment they arrived at the department until they were exported to the stations. The students were also introduced to the control system and then visited the site of one of the oil wells, where they were given a detailed explanation of the depths and directions of the wells. The East Baghdad Oil field is considered as one of the most important oil fields of the Midland Oil Company. Third- year students expressed their appreciation with this field trip because of its great benefits, as it is an enhanced method of learning and enriching the student’s experiences.  It is a successful educational method. The Department of Petroleum Engineering seizes this opportunity  to express its thanks, appreciation and gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of this trip, including the officials of the Midland Oil Company and the staff of the East Baghdad Field, wishing for more cooperation in the    future.


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