Electrical Engineering


Specific Specialization

Program Required Specializations
Control and Computers PhD 1. Master’s in Control and Computers
Control and Computers Master’s 1. Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering
2. Bachelor’s in Control and Systems Engineering (scientific background to be verified by the Scientific Background Matching Committee)
3. Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering (scientific background to be verified by the Scientific Background Matching Committee)
Electronics and Communications Master’s 1. Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering
2. Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communications Engineering (scientific background to be verified by the Scientific Background Matching Committee)
Power and Machines Master’s 1. Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering
2. Bachelor’s in Power and Electrical Machines Engineering (scientific background to be verified by the Scientific Background Matching Committee)

Specific Specialization

Program Subjects for Competitive Exam
Control and Computers PhD 1. Second Year (Computers)
2. Third Year (Engineering Analysis)
3. Fourth Year (Control II, Computer Networks)
4. Master’s Level (Digital Control; Fuzzy Control; Optimal Methods; Nonlinear Control System Analysis; Wireless Networks; Advanced Microprocessors)
Control and Computers  MS 1. First Year (Computer Programming)
2. Second Year (Computers; Electrical Circuits)
3. Third Year (Computer Architecture; Engineering Analysis; Control I)
4. Fourth Year (Control II; Computer Networks; Digital Signal Processing; Digital System Design)
Electronics and Communications  MS 1. Second Year (Electrical Circuits; Electronics I)
2. Third Year (Electronics II; Engineering Analysis; Control I; Communications I; Propagation and Antennas)
3. Fourth Year (Communications II; Digital Signal Processing; Digital System Design)
Power and Machines  MS 1. Second Year (Electrical Circuits; Electrical Machines; Electromagnetic Fields; Mathematics)
2. Third Year (Electrical Power; Electrical Machines; Engineering Analysis; Control)
3. Fourth Year (Electrical Power; Power Electronics and Specialized Machines)

Number of Admitted Students 2024-2025

Number of Students Program Specific Specialization
3 PhD Control and Computers
2 Master’s Control and Computers
4 Master’s Electronics and Communications
4 Master’s Power and Machines