The scientific seminars that are held in the various departments are considered the most essential parameters for correcting the course of postgraduate students and correcting the mistakes they make by presenting their practical results to experts in the same field of their work, which contributes to crystallizing their ideas, refining their knowledge and identifying the most important difficulties that they face during the research stage. And writing, all of this is accompanied, compatible, and related to the instructions given to them by their supervisors. From this point, the Department of Chemical Engineering has consistently held such seminars for its students, the latest of which was on Monday, 6/4/2023, when a group of master’s students presented their latest results to the audience and to the discussion committee, which consisted of:

  • Dr. Najwa Saber Majeed
  • Dr. Muthanna Jabbar Ahmed
  • Prof.Dr.Hayder Abdulkareem Rashid
  • Prof.Dr.Raghad Fareed Qasim
  • Prof.Dr.Rasha Habeeb Salman
  • Prof.Dr.Nada Naoom

Where the committee discussed:

  • Student Osama Jassim for his tagged research: Performance Of MOF 199 in Purification Wastewater from Organic Dyes, which was under the supervision of Asst.Prof.Dr. Rana Thabet.
  • Student Youssef Uday for his tagged research: Synthesis and Characterization of Activated Carbon from corn Cob for Adsorption Desulfurization of Simulated Crude, which was under the supervision of Asst.Prof.Dr. Hayder Abdulkareem Rashid.
  • Student Reza Nizar for his tagged research: Effect of Chemical Additives on Desulfurization of Gasoline over Na Y zeolite as Adsorbent, which was under the supervision of Asst.Prof.Dr. Tariq M. Naife.
  • Student Sadad Adel for his tagged research: Modification of waterworks sludge by using Mg/Al-LDH for adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution by using Batch and column study, which was under the supervision of Asst.Prof.Dr. Tariq M. Naife.

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