The Department of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering at University of Baghdad held its twelfth faculty board meeting for the academic year 2022-2023 on Monday 3rd April 2023 in the presence of the head of the department Dr. Firas Mohammad Tuaimah and the department faculty members.

At the beginning of the meeting, the head of the department, Dr. Firas Muhammad Tuaima, congratulated the faculty members on the advent of the Blessed Month of Ramadan, and welcomed the new faculty members.

The department faculty board discussed many important department matters. Some of the matters discussed during the meeting were the completion of the axes of the Engineering Accreditation Committee and updating the Electrical Engineering Department’s information on the website of the College of Engineering, in addition to other important subjects.

The head of the department concluded the meeting by honoring the faculty members and the students who participated in the exhibition of students’ scientific and artistic  products, which was held by the College of Engineering on Sunday and Monday, corresponding to 5th  and 6th  March 2023 in the college library, and the annual exhibition of scientific products and patents held by the University of Baghdad in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences on Wednesday and Thursday, corresponding to 15th  and 16th  March 2023


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