Under the supervision of the respected Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Dr. Saba Jabbar Nehme, and the Head of the Environmental Engineering Department, Professor Dr. Ayad AbdulHamza Faisal, the Environmental Engineering Department held a workshop entitled:

Mechanisms for Developing Practical and Field Experience of Environmental Engineers in the Labor Market

In the discussion hall in the Department, on Tuesday 8/3/2023, the workshop was organized by Assistant Professor Dr. Hayder Muhammad Abdulhamid, a Faculty member in the Department. The workshop included an explanation of the skills and knowledge that an environmental engineer should acquire before graduation in order to facilitate the process of obtaining job opportunities, whether in the public, private or mixed sectors. Some successful experiences were dealt with and how to benefit from them for the purpose of developing and building applied and practical knowledge for environmental engineers in the water desalination projects sector, as well as benefiting from integrated solid waste management in all its aspects, and how to transform these specialized environmental activities into keys to success and increase the financial and knowledge resources for environmental engineers. As well as identifying the mechanisms for conducting or following up engineering contracts within the environmental sector and within projects of air pollution, hazardous waste and soil pollution.


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