Dr. Mohammed Saadoun Hatheel, a faculty member in the Computer Engineering Department, has received an academic promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor in the field of Computer Engineering/Software Engineering. This promotion was granted after he fulfilled the requirements stipulated in the Promotion Law. The scientific title was awarded retroactively from the date of the application submission, based on the decision of the University Council in its sixth session and with the approval of the respected University President, Professor Dr. Baha Ibrahim Kadhim. With this, Dr. Mohammed Saadoun now enjoys the rights and privileges that authorize him to exercise scientific responsibilities.
The College of Engineering, represented by its Dean, Professor Dr. Ghassan Hamid, Assistant Professor Dr. Firas Ali Saber, Head of the Computer Engineering Department, along with the teaching and administrative staff, extends their heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the faculty member on his promotion. They wish him continued progress and contributions in his academic and professional journey.