Dr. Haider Muhammad Abdul Hamid, Associate Professor in the Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Baghdad’s College of Engineering, participated in a visit to the Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus. The University of Baghdad delegation, which included the Assistant President for Administrative Affairs, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, the Scientific Assistant Dean of the College of Medicine, and the Head of the Civil Engineering Department, was warmly welcomed by the President of Eastern Mediterranean University and the Vice Presidents for Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Academic Exchange.

During their visit, the delegation toured various engineering departments such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Electric Vehicles, as well as the Colleges of Pharmacy, Medicine, Science, Health Professions, and Arts and Humanities. They engaged with deans and faculty members, explored classrooms and laboratories, and discussed potential areas of collaboration. Topics included joint student supervision, research publications, faculty and student training courses, and the hosting of master’s and doctoral students.

The visit aimed to explore future academic, training, and research opportunities to benefit the faculty and students of the University of Baghdad.

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