Baghdad University hosted a celebration of Iraqi Engineer Day, attended by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, and the President of Baghdad University, Professor Dr. Baha Ibrahim Insaf, along with the presidents of engineering universities and directors of reconstruction departments in university institutions.

The celebration witnessed active participation from the Baghdad College of Engineering, represented by the Dean of the College, Dr. Ghassan Hamid Abdul Majid, along with the vice deans, faculty members, and engineers of the college.

The celebration included a speech by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in which he praised the tasks of this segment that has come to play a vital role in covering urban needs, taking the lead in constructing infrastructure, and striving to innovate technological, industrial, and technical solutions. He affirmed that the ministry is taking steady steps to develop, update, and enhance the engineering education environment, keeping pace with contemporary scientific developments, and supporting scientific research fields in engineering sectors. This aims to enhance the outcomes of these sectors to meet the requirements of the labor market, adapt the absorptive capacities in universities and colleges, and diversify them in line with prestigious global standards.
Before the conclusion of the celebration, Al-Aboudi honored the university engineers with the Creativity Shield in appreciation of their efforts throughout their years of university service.

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