Within the framework of joint cooperation in the field of scientific research at the University of Baghdad with universities, international research institutions and other state ministries, and in furtherance of the directions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in openness to the outside world and publication in accredited international journals, the research titled “Experimental influence assessments of water drive and gas breakthrough through the CO2-assisted gravity drainage process in reservoirs with strong aquifers” has been published in the Fuel journal, one of the accredited journals affiliated to the ELSEVIER publishing house, which falls within the Clarvit WOS index with an impact factor (IF=7.4) and it is among the first quarter magazines in the Scopus Cite Score index (Cite score=12.2).

It is the outcome of joint research cooperation between Dr. Dalia Abd Al-Hadi Abdul Latif and Lect. Hussein Hadi Hussein from the Department of Petroleum Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad, with Eng. Dr. Wathiq Jassim Al-Mudhaffar from the Basra Oil Company and Professor Dr. Dandina Rao from the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Louisiana University in the United States of America.

The research is one of the applied researches that aims at developing an experimental system for extracting fortified oil by injecting CO2 gas into a porous medium surrounded by a water tank to simulate the injection of CO2 gas with the help of gravity in oil reservoirs with water propulsion, and to know the extent of the effect of the gas injection rate and the power of water propulsion on the increase in the rate of oil recovery and its effect on the advance of water and the time of gas penetration. For the producing well, one of the artificial intelligence – machine learning algorithms was used using Proxy Models, which showed an increase in recovery rates and a decrease in penetration time when applying this method.

Research’s link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131873


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