Professor Dr. Abdullah Dhai’a, a distinguished faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Baghdad, showcased his research at the Second International Conference for Engineering Sciences. Hosted by the College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiriya University, in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and Kiev National University, the conference took place from May 7th to May 8th, 2024.

Dr. Dhai’a’s research, titled “Study of the Vehicle Routing System using the Improved Ant Colony Algorithm with MATLAB,” was accepted for presentation at the conference. This research aims to address the challenge of optimizing the vehicle routing system (VRS) using an innovative approach known as the Improved Ant Colony Algorithm (IACA).

The significance of this research lies in its ability to tackle complex optimization problems, particularly those categorized as NP-hard, which have wide-ranging applications in various economic sectors. By enhancing the efficiency of transportation and distribution modes, as well as facilitating information flow in networks related to energy, emergency services, and security, the study contributes to strategic decision-making processes.

Dr. Dhai’a utilized the MATLAB software package to implement the algorithm due to its superior performance and user-friendly interface. Compared to other programming languages, MATLAB offered enhanced efficiency with fewer iterations, making it a preferred choice for this research endeavor.

This research not only advances the field of optimization but also holds potential implications for real-world applications, driving innovation and efficiency in transportation and logistics sectors. Dr. Abdullah Dhai’a’s participation in the conference underscores the University of Baghdad’s commitment to academic excellence and research innovation on a global scale.

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