The Department of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Baghdad, in collaboration with the Basra Oil Company, facilitated a significant scientific trip for fourth-year students to explore the oilfields in southern Iraq. Organized in two groups, each consisting of 25 students, the trip spanned a week for each group, aiming to provide hands-on experience and practical insights into the oil industry.

Under the guidance of engineer Mr. Zayd Q. Jaafar and Prof. Dr. Mohammed Salih Al-Jawad, the two groups embarked on their respective journeys from April 20th to April 25th, 2024, and from April 27th to May 2nd, 2024.

Throughout the trips, students had the opportunity to visit various oilfields and facilities in Basra Al-Fayhaa, including the Basra Oil Company’s field operators, the Zubair Oil Operating Authority, and oil tankers at the port of Khor Al-Zubair. Daily tours provided students with firsthand encounters with industry stakeholders and engineers, who delivered key lectures on oil operations across southern Iraq.

The importance of such trips was emphasized by lecturers, highlighting their role in providing practical exposure essential for aspiring engineers. Students received a warm welcome from Basra Oil Company employees, who provided accommodation, meals, transportation, safety equipment, guided tours, and lectures.

The College of Engineering and the Department of Petroleum Engineering expressed gratitude to the Basra Oil Company for their collaboration and hospitality, recognizing the invaluable educational opportunity provided to the students.

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