Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ghassan Hamid Abdel Majeed, the respected Dean of the College of Engineering, and the supervision of the Head of the Environmental Engineering Department, Professor Dr. Ayad Abdel Hamza Faisal within the series of activities of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit, and in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit in the college, the scientific workshop entitled:

Impression Formation Techniques

was held by Assistant Professor Heba Muayyad Muhammad, Director of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit in the discussion hall in the Department of Environmental Engineering on Tuesday 4/23/2024, and a number of students, professors, and associates attended. The workshop aimed to identify: the importance of the role of persuasion methods because they are the basic component for forming the mental image in the first impression. The workshop produced a number of recommendations, including:

  • The first impression is the art of persuasion adopted by the individual.
  • The success of the impression is the success of persuasion, which depends on the clarity, soundness and reasonableness of the idea
  • The sender’s ability to present the idea and present it to others.

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