The College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad holds an in-person symposium entitled (The Effect of Microwave Oven Leakage on the Human Body) within the scientific activities of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and in cooperation with continuing education, sponsored by the Dean of the College of Engineering, Professor Dr. Ghassan Hameed Abdul Majeed, and supervised by the Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Assistant Professor Dr. Aqiel N. Al-Mamori, which was delivered by Assistant Lecturer Hayder Salah Ahmed, on Thursday 28/3/2024, in the department’s discussion room, in the presence of a number of teachers, employees, and students. The symposium included the following topics, the definition of microwaves, the origin and history of microwave ovens, the physics of their operation, and areas of leakage. The international standards set by international agencies for the amount of leakage for safe use of microwave ovens were mentioned, along with mentioning the attempts of researchers to reduce these leakages. Finally, the symposium came out with a set of recommendations, including that the use of microwave ovens is safe because, over these years, the level of leakage that could make users worried has not been measured, and the food that was heated inside these ovens does not change its chemical content during the heating process.

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