Professors and first-year students from the Architecture Department embarked on a captivating journey of artistic exploration during a recent visit to the Student Activities Department on Sunday, March 17, 2024. The highlight of the visit was a scientific workshop focused on freehand drawing, where students crafted miniature architectural clay models with intricate detail and precision.

Led by esteemed workshop lecturers Assoc. Prof. Elham Ali Baiouy, Assoc. Prof. Dina Mohamed Anad, and Engineer Ahmed Moaz, alongside a team of professors from the Department of Fine Arts, including Mr. Abdul Mawjoud Shukr Rahim, the students delved into the world of sculpting art and its profound connection to architecture. The workshop not only honed their skills in freehand drawing but also provided valuable insights into the symbiotic relationship between art and architectural design.

In addition to the workshop, the students enjoyed a guided tour of the Department of Fine Arts, where they were introduced to various sculpting techniques and explored the intricate design unit specializing in interior space design. This immersive experience not only enriched their understanding of architectural aesthetics but also inspired creativity and innovation.

The workshop served as a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication to artistic excellence within the Architecture Department. Through hands-on learning and interdisciplinary exploration, students were empowered to harness their creative potential and embark on a transformative journey of artistic expression within the realm of architecture.

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