A voluntary team consisting of third-year students from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Baghdad took an impressive initiative to decorate the department with Ramadan decorations on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, the volunteer team gathered in the department and worked diligently to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness for the students and faculty members. The team adorned the corridors, hallways, and common areas of the department using colorful Ramadan lightsA voluntary team consisting of third-year students from the Aeronautical Engineering Department at the University of Baghdad took an impressive initiative to decorate the department with Ramadan decorations on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, the volunteer team gathered in the department and worked diligently to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness for the students and faculty members. The team adorned the corridors, hallways, and common areas of the department using colorful Ramadan lights and decorations, which added a wonderful aesthetic touch to the department’s interior environment. This fantastic initiative reflects the spirit of cooperation and social cohesion among the department’s students, showcasing their desire to share joys and religious occasions with the rest of the university community. The Ramadan decorations received appreciation from everyone and brought a sense of happiness and belonging to the department.

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