On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the Department of Architecture at the University of Baghdad orchestrated a hands-on scientific visit for third-year students to the Al-Budour residential city. The primary objective was to provide students with insights into the city’s architectural design and the advanced technologies employed in constructing its public and residential structures.

The visit featured a dynamic lecture delivered by third-year professors, emphasizing various structural systems implemented in buildings. Topics covered included the metal frame system, Flat Slab system, and other commonly utilized structural systems within the city. This was a crucial component of the Construction and Building Assembly courses for the third year.

Upon arrival, students and faculty were warmly received by the project manager and the city’s engineering staff. The participants were guided through the city, offering them the opportunity to pose questions and delve deeper into the intricate designs and technologies integrated into the city’s architecture.

This initiative aligns with the department’s commitment to enriching practical knowledge and expanding students’ perspectives within the realm of architecture and design.”

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