Under the patronage of the respected Head of the Computer Engineering Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. Firas Ali Saber, a seminar was held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, by lecturer Mohamed Abdel-Saheb, which was entitled “University Teaching” in the discussion hall in the Computer Engineering Department. The seminar was attended by a number of professors from the Computer Engineering Department and other departments. The lecturer gave a presentation in which he explained the importance of university teaching in providing or developing specialized knowledge for the student and developing practical skills in addition to stimulating innovation and scientific research and presenting specialized individuals to society. The aim of the seminar was to demonstrate the importance of university teaching and its difference from secondary teaching in terms of student independence, specialization, and depth in subjects, as well as the difference in teaching style and evaluation method. The attending professors presented suggestions about solutions that could work to reduce obstacles and improve the University Teaching in general.

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