Asst. Prof. Dr. Omar Falih Hasan participated in the first editorial board meeting of the Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies (JPRS) in 2024, which was held in the Petrolum Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Oil (MoO) on Thursday (1st of February 2024).
Dr. Omar Falih has been selected to be part of the editorial board due to his academic reputation that he enjoys in the area of research and reviewing researches for a large number of journals listed on the Scopus database. The JPRS, a reviewed scientific journal of the MoO, is issued by the Center for Petroleum Research and Studies.
Eng. Ali Jassim Humood, who chaired the meeting of the new editorial board of the journal, confirmed that the plan aims at developing the journal to be qualified enough for classification in the Scopus database.
The editorial board consists of researchers from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the MoO who have high impact factor publications in the field of the Petroleum Industry.

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