One of the faculty members from the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Dhayea Assi, obtained a certificate of registration for an industrial model entitled (Device of converting rain water into electricity) from the Ministry of Planning/Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control/Directorate of Patents and Industrial Designs by the conditions stipulated in Article (38). The industrial model is described as a machine for converting rainwater into electrical energy, made of plastic and consisting of the following parts (1- turbine box 2- turbine 3- electric current generator 4- water entry hole 5- water exit hole) with a height of 15 cm and a width 7 cm wide and 15 cm long. The box is transparent and contains a fan (turbine) with wide fins, perforated in the middle to connect the fan to a small generator used to generate electrical current, mounted on an aluminum plate placed on the box, 12 cm long and 10 cm wide. Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Abdullah Dhayea Assi for this achievement, and God willing, more giving and success in service to our department, college, and beloved country.


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