The spirit of cultural and heritage collaboration among various universities and cultures was embodied in the International Workshop : Heritage In Danger . Hosted by the prestigious Egyptian university, Cairo University , the workshop brought together 5 graduate students from each participating university. The workshop involved the collaboration of Six Distinguished Universities including the University of Baghdad, Kurdistan University from Iraq, along with several Arab and international universities, to enrich this valuable cultural and scientific experience.

From the 21st to the 28th of November, the activities began with students being grouped to work on Developing Five Historical Areas in Cairo’s Red Path. Continuing this cultural and applied scientific journey, panel discussions were held with local and international experts in architecture and heritage. These experts provided valuable guidance and constructive criticism for the students’ projects.

The active days of this workshop witnessed remarkable interaction and creativity among all students, who worked diligently and earnestly on developmental projects to preserve The Heritage Of The Red Path . The spirit of teamwork and dedication was reflected through the interaction between students and experts, adding profound value to this international workshop.

University Of Baghdad Kurdistan University Iraq

Brandenburg University Germany

Cairo University Alexandria University Egypt

German Jordanian University Jordan

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